Female professor taking questions after lecture in college classroom

Future management professor

How to succeed in the PhD admissions Process

A Consortium of VERY high research activity universities

Bold Colorful Memphis Arrows To The Right

Purpose of consortium

As competition for admission to PhD programs grows, applicants need to understand how to succeed in the PhD admissions process and more importantly, how to find the PhD program that will help them achieve their career goals.

The goal of the consortium is to equip potential PhD applicants with a greater understanding of the PhD admissions process. Applicants will also gain a network of both peers and faculty to help them further navigate the process.

Individuals currently applying to PhD programs at very high-research activity universities in the United States will benefit from the upcoming events and past webinars organized by the consortium.

Black Dotted Circle Recolorable Outline

Upcoming EVENTS

A Pre-Doctoral Consortium will be held IN PERSON at the Academy of Management (AOM) Conference on Friday, August 9, 2024 in Chicago, IL. Topics include:

A Career in Academia

Provides an overview of the research, teaching, and service responsibilties of a professor and how a career progresses over time.

A Successful Application

Focuses on the keys to a successful application including how to craft your statement of purpose.

Finding Your Research Fit

Provides an overview of research within the field of management, how you can define your research interests, and find your research fit.

Life as a PhD Student

Allows appliants to gain insights on life as a PhD student and get advice from current PhD students.

You must be registered for the AOM conference to attend this Pre-Doctoral Consortium. CLICK HERE for information on the conference.


A series of webinars were held in November 2023 with faculty and PhD students from over 30 very high research activity universities. REGISTER HERE to receive a link to the recordings of the webinars, which include the following information:

Content of the Webinars

A Successful Application: Focuses on the keys to a successful application including how to craft your statement of purpose.

Defining Research Interests: Provides an overview of research within the field of management and how you can define your research interests.

Finding Your Fit: Focuses on how you can find the PhD program that matches your research interests and career goals.

Participating Universities

Bold Colorful Memphis Arrows To The Right

University of Alberta

Arizona State University

University of Arizona

Baylor University

Brigham Young University

University at Buffalo

University of Central Florida

George Washington University

Georgia Institute of Technology

University of Georgia

Indiana University

Iowa State University

University of Iowa

University of Kansas

University of Louisville

Michigan State University

University of Massachusetts Amherst

University of Miami

University of Michigan

University of Minnesota

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

University of Nevada-Reno

Northwestern University

University of North Texas

University of Notre Dame

The Ohio State University

University of Oklahoma

Oklahoma State University

University of Pennsylvania

Penn State University

University of Pittsburg

Purdue University

Rice University

Rutgers University

University of Souther California

Syracuse University

Texas A&M University

University of Tennessee, Knoxville

University of Utah

University of Virginia

Virginia Tech University

University of Washington

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